Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Connecting you...

This is the first time I am speaking to you- my Boys and Girls- like this. I believe I can share your pleasure and pain through this, whenever you require. This is the place where I shall not

put you into classes rather I shall try to be always besides you all, who love the subject of Physics, to the best of my effort.

I am still a student of the subject and I could grasp very little of it but my passion to know this has no upper bound. I failed to keep track with this subject throughout my life due to materialistic reasons. I am sorry for that. But I am happy to share with my students whatever I could understand. I shall only be successful if some of my students put a brick into the pillar of this human civilization .

My dear guys I promise you to be always with you in this journey. By the way do you know that this is PROMISE DAY?

Love you all. I shall come back to you tomorrow with more about me, my dreams, your role, ...

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